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Skin Cancer

  • Immunotherapy
  • Minimal Side Effects
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Best Skin/Melanoma Cancer Treatment Hospitals in Chennai

Punarjan Ayurveda’s Rasayana Ayurveda will be a conventional method that integrates the latest technology in skin cancer treatment. Our ‘Punarjan Therapy’ is an ‘Integrative Cancer Care’ like no other, where a patient receives a treatment made for him or her alone.

Our method has helped many clients, and the satisfaction level is at peak. So, we can say that our treatment can be rather helpful for many individuals. Please do not hesitate to contact us to know how we can nurture you.

Why Choose Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals For Skin/Melanoma Cancer Treatment

Choosing Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals for skin cancer/Melanoma treatment would be a great option for the people as we are highly expert with traditional Ayurveda practices in respect to cancer care. We deliver better care with less invasive methods and adverse effects. 

This is evident as our ayurveda vaidya gives better plans to improve quality of life for a long duration with the Rasayana Ayurveda methodology which is a subset of our Indian traditional medicine system. It is essential now as it helps cancer patients to feel happy.

Rasayanas are formulated with the selected minerals and other ayurvedic herbal concoctions that are believed to help the body fight off various ailments, the most well-known being cancer. Our strengths allow us to combine the characteristics of the Ayurveda approach and make it possible to increase the overall well being. At the same time, it might reduce potential adverse effects as much as possible. Thus, our approach combines different techniques and is the main secret of our center.

Our hospital does more than treat cancer by considering aspects of mind, body, and spirit when we treat someone. We take into account lifestyle and food habits. It will be beneficial if we eat  fresh, whole foods. That’s why we prescribe a customized diet plan. Herbal mixtures not only improve the immune system but also detoxify the body in a natural way to get stronger. These can remove toxins that support cancer. Everything is natural and safe. 

Our doctors attentively listen to each patient’s needs, ensuring they understand every detail and providing support at every stage with regular follow-ups. Patients receive counseling that encourages a positive mindset through meditation and gentle breathing exercises. We focus on healing the entire person, not just targeting cancer. Many of our patients’ immune systems have recovered, allowing them to live happily. Punarjan’s natural methods address the root cause. Endorse Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals for our Punarjan Therapy, a holistic cancer treatment that enhances body, mind, and spirit.

Types Of Skin/Melanoma Cancer

Most skin cancers start on the outer layer. Melanomas, squamous cell carcinoma, and basal cell carcinoma are all types of cancer cells. It is statistically proven that over ninety percent of skin cancer is diagnosed in the epidermal layer of the skin.

Another name for basal cell carcinoma is BCC. This kind of skin cancer pertains to basal cells located in the lower layers of the skin. It frequently presents as small glistening grains or pearly gray, pink nodules. While there is no sign that BCC is commonly invasive, and cancerous cells don’t tend to spread to other body parts, early diagnosis and treatment are crucial. It can invade adjacent structures and be virtually destructive if not diagnosed early. This reinforces the worth of being vigilant in both treatment and prevention.  

The acronym “squamous cell carcinoma,” or “SCC,” comes from squamous cells in the top layer. SCC often presents itself as a firm, red nodule or flat sore that gradually begins to ulcerate, form a black eschar, and may bleed. The former, once ignored, is better armed than BCC to invade other stratus or layers of the skin and increase to different areas of the human flesh. In skin cancer, lips, ears, and hands’ backs are the body parts that immediately get affected.

Melanoma is also known for its dangerous condition. It starts in melanocytes. Thus, melanoma most commonly begins as a new or changing mole, and the pigment change or irregular border makes the mole more significant than the graphite holder. This can start from an existing mole or a new black spot on the skin. Due to the high possibility of metastasis, melanoma is less curable compared to BCC and SCC; this is why early diagnosis must be encouraged.

Experts at Punarjan Ayurveda Hospital stress the importance of understanding, detecting early, and effectively treating skin cancer. They advise that skin examinations be done periodically to safeguard the skin from the sun and skin cancer. If you follow these basic measures, you can start protecting both your skin and yourself from skin cancer.

Rasayana Ayurveda Treatment For Skin/Melanoma Cancer

A form of Ayurveda from the Indian region is called Rasayana. Its purpose is to help people get better and heal. It makes medications meant to improve regular treatments for skin diseases and melanoma cancer that boost the immune system, and help people heal faster. 

Rasayana Ayurveda’s first ideas

Rasayana, like Ayurveda, works to strengthen the body’s natural protection. To do this, it controls the doshas and feeds the tissues (dhatus). The solutions, which may include herbal mixtures, changes to the person’s food, and changes to their way of life, are based on their Prakriti. This specialized method aims to clean the body, improve the health of cells, and keep people from getting sick. 

Formulations with Herbs

Medicinal plants, like Ashwagandha, Brahmi, ginger, and other vital plants, are essential for Rasayana therapy. Ashwagandha, known scientifically as Withania somnifera, is an adaptogen herb that reduces the toxicity of some forms of cancer therapies. It is also factual that a bioactive compound called curcumin in turmeric possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammation characteristics; therefore, it can be applied to reducing inflammation connected with skin cancer. It also has specific products like the ‘Brahmi lenses,’ ‘gotu kola for Brahmi,’’ and other items that help memory and the brain area.

Lifestyle and Diet Changes

Rasayana Ayurveda also incorporates changes in what one eats and does regarding food and lifestyle to enhance general health. Sustenance should be rich in foods with antioxidants and cut out processed foods; this aids the body’s defense mechanism. For improving health and general resistance against diseases, dietary habits and behaviors such as exercise regime, enough rest, and control over stress are also recommended.

Supportive Role

While the patient did not receive complete Rasayana Ayurveda therapy, it is essential to note that this kind can be used along with traditional cancer care to improve overall health, reduce side effects, and boost immunity. Other healthcare workers and nurses who work with them often need to be very careful about how they include them.

Rasayana Ayurveda medications based on immunology and are used in cancer management at Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals. It is a well-known center that gives people an excellent place to stay healthy based on their needs.

Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Complications Of Skin/Melanoma Cancer

It would be nice to know the basic information of melanoma cancer and it helps in choosing the treatment method and so people can get a clear idea regarding the recovery process.


Skin cancer, especially malignant melanoma, starts as a new mole or modifies an existing one. Signs and symptoms of skin cancer are any change in the size, shape, or color of a mole; the appearance of any new growths or sores, for example, a spot, bump, or blemish that has not healed; tenderness, itching, or pain in a mole; and bleeding or leaking of a mole. Melanomas could be dark/shadowy and asymmetrical with size, border, and color changes.


The main risk factor of melanoma is ultraviolet radiation, through which light injures DNA strands in skin cells. This damage culminates in the formation of mutations that cause rapid cell division, which may be unwanted. UV radiation is natural from the sun and artificial, such as from tanning beds. It can also be hereditary; there are specific gene variations that can make a person more prone to acquiring melanoma.

Risk Factors

However, certain conditions put a person at a higher risk of contracting the disease, which is melanoma. Some of them have a fair complexion, multiple moles and unusual moles, a family history of melanoma, and a previous history of skin cancer. Smoker, sustained tanning or sun exposure, and excessive exposure to the sun, particularly during early ages, are other factors that put one at a higher risk. Other factors include their compromised immune system, particularly if they have had a previous experience with skin cancer.


When melanoma is not diagnosed at its early stages, it might extend to the other sections of the body (metastasize), reaching the lungs, liver, or brain. Metastasis of melanoma often can cause damage to the organs, severe pain, and thus lower quality of life. Management includes surgery, medical oncologists, clinical pharmacists, radiation oncology, and palliative care with possible interventions and toxicities. That is why early diagnosis and management of this condition will enhance the chances of improving the prognosis significantly and decrease the likelihood of significant male complications.

Rasayana Ayurveda medications based on immunity were used to cure cancer at Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals. The well-known center also gives people an excellent place to stay based on their needs and conditions.

Treatment Procedure For Skin/Melanoma Cancer At Punarjan Ayurveda Hospital Hyderabad

Based on immunotherapy, Rasayana Ayurveda is always used at Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals in Chennai to treat skin cancers like melanoma in the best and newest ways. Compared to other latest therapies, Ayurvedic medication  works on the immune system and also it helps you to figure out how we treat people.

Herbal Support for Immune Enhancement: Before the treatment, your body is given Ayurvedic herbs that are very good for you to strengthen it. Herbs like Ashwagandha, Amalaki, and Shatavari are used in Punarjan Ayurveda because they suit the body and can heal cells and systems. Some herbs can help the body deal with cancer and its issues better, which is good for the overall health of the person who has cancer.

Rasayana Therapy: After that, we give you Rasayana compounds, which are the most essential part of our treatment. These are plant based and entirely natural and reduce inflammation, help the skin heal, and give the body more life force. Our Rasayana compounds are standard and made to fit the needs of each patient so that we can provide the proper care.

Immunomodulation: Comparing known facts about immunology, some treatments apply chemicals that alter the structure or function of the immune system. However, our work continues to discover that some small plants and mixes that activate the body’s immune system, enabling it to locate the tumor and combat malicious cells without provoking inflammation. Positive immunomodulators are more common than negative ones, making it easier for the immune system to work better against melanoma. 

Lifestyle and Diet Adjustments: Lifestyle and dietary modifications at Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals help the body heal by giving it the proper nutrients. Our experts make personalized food intake suggestions for each patient to boost their immune systems, improve their health, and advise them on how to make the necessary changes to their lifestyle.

Putting all of these things together, Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals offers a complete and supportive treatment plan for melanoma. Its extra medicines boost the body’s immune system to provide full and supportive cancer care.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is type 4 melanoma cancer?

Stage IV melanoma cancer is a kind of melanoma that has spread to areas of the body rather than the skin or the region of the lymph nodes. This final or last stage of melanoma skin cancer is referred to as Stage IV, and this is characterized by the proliferation of cancer cells in tissues of the bodily organs, such as the lungs, liver, or even the brain. This makes it better in the past that this disease was usually localized in the specific body part and hence, when diagnosed, it requires a strict procedure to treat, resulting in a combination of standard treatments.

Diseases such as skin cancer can cause severe emotions, starting from the moment of diagnosis and ending with concern about further treatment and how it will affect the patient’s life. Pain or discomfort for that reason will be magnified when someone is emotionally challenged. These might include patients feeling helpless, uncertain about their prognosis, and dissatisfaction with changes in appearance. It is vital to have people around the patient and the family who can help in dealing with these emotions and endure the process of cancer treatment.

The time it takes to spread varies with the type and stage of skin cancer. Basal Cell Carcinoma generally progresses over a few months or years, while Squamous Cell Carcinoma has more rapid growth, often within a few months. Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer, which can spread very fast, within weeks to months if not treated. As for the extensive spread of the diseases, prevention, early detection, and early treatment are important factors that positively impact the prognosis of the diseases.

Other signs of skin cancer that are not usual might include the modification of the present moles or spots, like their enlargement, unequal shape, or having different shades. This sign can also be the new growths or sores that do not heal or bleed and itch. Also, any change of color in a mole that was previously pink and is now red, change in the texture of the mole, if it becomes rough or scaly, the formation of lumps and nodules on the skin’s surface is a sign of skin cancer. See a dermatologist if you have any suspicious symptoms, as described above.

Skin cancer generally progresses over several months to years. However, there are certain varieties or types of skin cancer, such as melanoma, which can grow very fast in a few weeks. A new or changing skin lesion should be checked quickly, mainly if a change occurs suddenly. Hence, a visit to a healthcare provider is a must. There is a misconception that skin cancer is one of the most dangerous types of cancer, while a patient has the best prognosis if the disease is detected at the earliest stage and if treatment is started at this stage. Some of these variables are within the patient’s control; therefore, being aware of changes and frequency of skin checks has a favorable implication.

Because the hair lacks the melanin that shields the skin from UV rays, people with light skin, light eyes, and light or red hair are more likely to get skin cancer. One factor that raises the risk is exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays, such as when swimming, getting sunburned, or using tanning beds. People with these kinds of genes or a history of them are most likely to get skin cancer. Also, people with specific face structural problems or weak immune systems are more likely to get illnesses.

Skin cancer, especially the most prevalent one, basal cell carcinoma, mainly develops on skin areas regularly exposed to the sun: mouth and face skin, with some areas of the skin of the ears, neck, scalp, and back of hands. Such parts are directly in contact with ultraviolet rays, which are said to cause skin cancer. Skin cancer develops in all parts of the skin but more frequently in the parts that are exposed to sunlight.

Sunscreen is used to avoid contracting skin cancer since the protective creams reduce contact with dangerous UV rays. Since UV light causes the destruction of outer skin cells and can result in diseases such as cancer of the skin, for example: melanoma, it is dangerous. Sun creams containing labels with broad-spectrum protection of at least 30 SPF protect against UV radiation and lessen the chance that DNA is impaired due to skin cell damage, thereby causing cancer. Nonetheless, sunscreen must not be used solely to protect the skin from the sun; other precautionary methods like wearing clothes and staying out of the sun between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM must also be applied.
Skin cancer is usually not like other types of cancers, which come with evident symptoms; skin cancer is generally slow to show signs. It often initially manifests itself as a new lesion or change in an existing one, which is generally a tiny, unusual tumor. Although certain types of skin cancer are characterized by their ability to evolve once started, original signs are not sudden but develop gradually with time. Any spectacular changes on the skin should be observed, and instead of self-diagnosing, it is recommended that the skin be checked up from time to time with a dermatologist.


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