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Oral Cancer

  • Root Cause Treatment
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Best Oral Cancer Treatment Hospitals in Hyderabad

Overcome Oral Cancer with Punarjan’s Ayurvedic Approach, At Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals, there is the fight against oral massive cancer. Our approach enhances a proven 5000 year old healing method that originated in India called Rasayana Ayurveda The team of professionals here helps to treat oral cancer consists of the experienced Ayurvedic doctors and therapists who work with the strengthening focus on the patient in mind, his or her constitution, ways of living, and conditions that surround them.  Punarjan is one of the Best oral cancer treatment hospitals in Hyderabad  Please contact us to know more information. We will be happy to assist you.

Why Choose Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals For Oral cancer Treatment ?

Embrace a transformative journey to overcome oral cancer with Punarjan Ayurveda’s personalized, natural, and holistic approach.

This concept held by Ayurveda emphasizes the rebalancing of all the components that make up the natural cycle of the human system. At Punarjan Ayurveda, the treatment of oral cancer is done based on the patient’s specific characteristics and needs. All the diseases are treated according to Ayurvedic principles, and the consultant Ayurvedic doctors take a detailed history of the patient’s prakriti, food habits, and other conditions. The rationale of this individual approach is based on the fact that all patients are unique. Therefore, the treatments should be designed considering these differences to increase the likelihood of a positive outcome.

The ayurvedic medicinal system we employ involves a vast list of herbs, spices, and natural products. These remedies have been scientifically identified and medicinally employed, ensuring their safety and efficacy. They tend to be kinder to the body. They are actually associated with fewer side effects than the conventional treatment methods most cancer patients use, making them more tolerable for you.

As it is one of the most common cancer types in India, we understand that oral cancer can be an emotionally challenging experience. Our patient counselors provide constant support throughout your journey. They offer diet and emotional guidance at every step and phase with regular follow ups. 

At Punarjan Ayurveda, our herbal medicines help reduce inflammation levels and remove toxicities from the body. It creates an environment within where healing is possible. Many of our patients are informed  that they seem to recover soon. Because, our medicine boosts their activity index and makes them more energetic.

Early detection of oral cancer helps to heal this disease in a speedy recovery time. It is often said and emphasized that our goal is very simple – to free people from this terrible disease such as oral cancer. We assist them in finding a new life of health and vitality to embrace a full and productive life.

So wait no further. Just contact punarjan ayurveda for any oral cancer, and we will be happy to assist you at every step and every phase. 

Types Of Oral Cancer

Oral Cancer is a silent threat requiring proactive awareness and swift action for successful treatment and long-term resilience.

Oral Cancer affects many sites in the oral cavity and the throat region, and this makes differentiate them key for diagnosis and later treatment.

Here are the main types of oral Cancer

Lip Cancer:

It primarily affects the lips most especially the lower lip which is more sensitive to sunlight and thus has the higher probability of contracting the disease. It is often the outcome of tobacco use or some other causes that lead to increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Tongue Cancer:

Cancer can occur in the tongue which is also divided into oral and oropharyngeal Cancer for it depending on the at which it developed on the tongue. 

Gum Cancer:

The cancer of the gums is a rare type of oral cavity cancer. These are the tissues of the oral depression that cover the teeth and line the jawbones.

Cheek Cancer:

Cancer can also be found on the lining of the cheeks locality can also be referred to as buccal mucosa cancer. That is without doubt associated with using oral tobacco both for chewing and for smoking and also with the use of areca-nut and tobacco smoking and alcohol intake.

Floor of the Mouth Cancer:

Oral Cancer primarily develops on the floor of the mouth which lies below the tongue and is also often referred to as oral Cancer. 

Hard and Soft Palate Cancer:

The palate is distinguished as the area in which the floor of the mouth meets the roof of the oral cavity; both of this site may see development of palatal Cancer, hard and soft palate. These cancers are not very commonly evolved and may be related with some risks such as tobacco use or alcoholism. 

Oropharyngeal Cancer:

Oral cavity cancers of this category arise in the oropharynx at the back and underside of the mouth, at the soft palate at the roof of the mouth near the back, at the base of tongue, at the tonsils, and on the walls of the gullet or pharynx. What kind of Cancer it is and how to choose the best treatment: A biopsy is an important part of both the main and secondary screening of an oral cancer and the accurate diagnosis of the disease. Early detection of the best way to treat oral cavity disease and the correct identification of the type of Cancer should help doctors figure out the best way to treat it.

So. contact punarjan ayurveda for any oral cancer, and we will be happy to assist you at every step and every phase. 

Rasayana Ayurveda Treatment For Oral Cancer

Empower your journey against oral cancer with the transformative healing of Rasayana Ayurveda.

Oral cancer is a very grievous disease that requires improved methods of treatment. The treatment options offered by Punarjan Ayurveda are different from the other conventional treatments and it has developed Rasayana Ayurveda to treat cancer patients. Rasayana Ayurveda employs an ensemble of specials with phytochemicals and herbo minerals. 

It is true that there are special properties in our medicine, which help us combat bad cells known as free radicals. These particles can damage our cells or at some times even initiate formation of cancers. But our Rasayana Ayurveda Treatment For oral Cancer medicine eliminates them. There is a way to prevent cancer and it also cuts out the process of oxidation which also contributes to the formation of cancer cells. Therefore, curing your body from cancer, our medicine will do all this and will ensure you remain healthy.

Expert doctors with a direct involvement develop the treatments at Punarjan Ayurveda. The said treatments assist in healing since they eliminate toxins that have accumulated in the cells and body, and balance the body. This serves to prevent the formation and growth of the cells, the growth pattern that would experience exponential increase in tumor growth.

The components that are used in the Rasayana ayurveda treatments not only act as stress relieving agents but also perform the function of balancing all the factors. They act directly on the cancer; they do not just eliminate symptoms or contain the disease. Furthermore reducing the high stress tolerance of the body, Rasayana Ayurveda minimizes the possibility of converting cells into cancer carrying cells. Suddenly, it is like we are adding layers to our body that would protect it from bad issues.

It is also clear that in the case of Punarjan Therapy, novel ideas in regards to cancer treatment are always being added by Punarjan Ayurveda. Specifically for treating oral cancer, our research team did a great effort in finding out a way to treat this condition effectively. In an Ayurvedic method that is applied in Punarjan Ayurveda, we support and activate the body’s immunity in fighting the disease. For this reason, the patients can easily recover and live healthy lives. More than anything else, our mission promotes the idea of not only prolonging the lives of these patients but to let them live meaningful lives as well.

Rasayana ayurveda formulations also focus on another area of significant concern—the subject of inflammation, which is consistently accompanied by carcinogenic diseases. 

Early detection of oral cancer helps to pave the way for more tremendous success.

Wait no further, please contact punarjan ayurveda hospitals to know more information.  We will be happy to assist you at every step and phase.

Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Complications Of Oral Cancer

Understanding oral cancer: Quickly grasp its signs, causes, risks, and complications

Despite the fact that oral cancer can be fatal if the disease goes unchecked, there are often long-term outcomes that can enhance the probability of effective treatment and survival. This is why one should visit a dentist for check-up frequently and check his mouth and teeth regularly for anything that is suspicious.


  • An abnormality, particularly a break or lesion in the mucous membranes of the mouth that may not heal for a period not less than two to three weeks.
  • This might be a lump or swollen area in the cheek or at the back of the throat.
  • Confusing or difficult speech lasting for more than two weeks, or a white or red patch on the gums, tongue, or lining of the mouth
  • Difficulty chewing or swallowing
  • Keep on getting a sore throat or the kind of discomfort that feels like there is something stuck in the throat
  • Mouth or lip region tingling or feeling cold and/or a loss of sensation.
  • Frequent bleeding gums or gums that are swelling


  • This is through exposure to light for long durations particularly though sunlight for lip cancer.
  • (HPV) infection
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Excessive alcohol consumption

Risk factors:

  • History of smoking 
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Family history of oral cancer
  • Age, and gender.
  • Previous oral cancer diagnosis

Potential Complications:

  • Speech problems, dysphagia, feeding difficulties
  • Alterations of the human body and especially one’s face 
  • Pain and discomfort
  • Emotional distress and anxiety

It is important to understand that although oral cancer is a dangerous disease, treatment when the disease is in its preliminary stage and a multi-disciplinary tactic is used will enhance the results. It is possible to prevent the development of such symptoms, as well as seek medical help immediately if such conditions arise, knowing what might be a cause, factor or result. 

Please contact punarjan ayurveda hospitals to know more information. We will be happy to assist you at every step and phase.

Treatment Procedure For Oral Cancer At Punarjan

Discover renewed hope and healing with Punarjan’s personalized oral cancer treatments, crafted to empower your journey to wellness.

Rasayana Chikitsa is treatment in Ayurveda in which a patient is treated to gain the  strength to fight against cancer. Punarjan Ayurveda employs natural aspects which are extracted from plants and minerals for boosting extra power to the body that can fight diseases. Our treatment is always very natural and helps to ensure you get enough energy necessary in body battles such as cancer. Well, as if you were putting your body on a scale to encourage it to get well and be always healthy.

Our skilled doctors then proceed to diagnose the basic cause of cancer and how aggressive it is with reference to the patient’s general health, extent, and behavior. They are thus in order to help manage the patient depending on his or her specific needs.

The Rasayana Ayurveda Treatment of Punarjan Ayurveda uses a different approach to fight cancer and make the body become stronger is used in treating Oral Cancer. Our treatment not only reduces these sick cells but also improves the defect in the body to handle them. This is like taking natural protection for the human body against some things like cancer.

Specific herbal combinations are employed for restoring the energy and to balance the body’s energy while detoxification is done at the cellular level to remove the toxins in the body. Specialized diets are useful for the delivery of produce and nutrients and prana, which is the vitality of the cells in a bid to heal. However, activities such as meditation, yoga and pranayama are also carried out in order to establish harmony in the mental, the physical and the spiritual dimension which is in harmony with the treatment.

At Punarjan Ayurveda, it’s all about our doctors, they are like excellent professionals in their profession. They can be your consultant, your advisor, and so much more apart from being your doctor while you are undergoing treatment.

Please contact Punarjan ayurveda to know more information.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is any Ayurvedic treatment effective on an oral cancer patient ?

In Ayurveda treatment procedures such as Rasayana Ayurveda  is used in treatment of oral cancer. Early detection is the key to more successful treatment of any type of cancer.  While Ayurveda  can help in curing cancer certain herbs like turmeric or neem might be used alongside conventional treatment. These may help manage side effects or support the immune system. Remember, talk to your doctor first about oral cancer. They’ll recommend the best course of action, including safe complementary therapies if suitable.

With regard to the price for oral cancer treatment, India is acknowledged as offering treatments at a strikingly lower price as compared to other countries. Due to low cost of services, India boasts of having best solutions to treatments.

The cost of oral cancer treatment in India may vary depending on the type of treatment and the cancer stage ranging high. This encompasses the costs that are incurred on treatment as well as hospital stay bills. 

Oral cancer treatment can be expensive. The cancer’s stage and the treatment choices you make, whether you prefer conventional therapies, Ayurveda, or an integrative approach, will define how much it will cost. By understanding these factors, you can be better prepared and knowledgeable about the financial aspects of your treatment journey. 

The summary is as follows: 

In the present day, there is a leap in cancer awareness, and people are choosing an integrative approach of Allopathy and Ayurveda for effective treatment without side effects and the best possible quality of life after treatment.


Mouth cancer treatment with Ayurveda centers on healing and improving quality of life. Natural herbs, dietary changes, and therapies are used in Ayurvedic medicines to help the body’s immune system. Some natural herbs and rasayanas help cells heal and grow stronger. Ayurveda might help with dealing with side effects and lessening the symptoms of standard treatments, but it isn’t usually thought of as a free way to treat mouth cancer. 

Integrative treatments may lead to better results. It is essential to talk to your doctor to make a complete treatment plan. Using Ayurveda and modern medicine together and finding problems early can help treatments work better and improve health in general.

As a new approach, Allopathy and Ayurveda are combined for an integrative treatment for oral cancer to promote healing. Allopathy uses conventional methods to get rid of the tumor and kill cancer cells. Cancer can be directly targeted with these strategies. 

Ayurveda, a cornerstone of this integrative treatment, is not just about targeting the disease, but about promoting overall well-being. It does this through the use of complex rasayana techniques and a special diet that nourishes the body, providing a reassuring and holistic approach to healing. 

Pranayama and meditation can help with stress and mental health. Using all of these methods together can help with recovery and quality of life. Doctors can develop a treatment plan that works well and is well-balanced. Integrative care considers the mind, body, and spirit as a way to fight oral cancer.

It is not recommended to treat mouth cancer in its early stages without first seeking professional help. Healthy habits, on the other hand, can support your body and help stop further progression. Stop smoking and try not to use tobacco items, as these are significant reasons for mouth cancer. Limit your liquor consumption since it can cause mouth aggravation and raise your risk of cancer. Maintain oral hygiene and eat a balanced diet to strengthen your immune system. While these ideas can uphold general well-being, talking to a specialist for legitimate treatment is fundamental. Early clinical intervention essentially works on the possibilities of fruitful recuperation from mouth cancer.

There is no single type of ayurvedic cure for mouth cancer, as ayurveda is a science of individuation and what is right for one patient may not be right for another.

But, Ayurveda can have a supportive role in this area without any doubt. Here’s how:

Herbs: There may be additional plants like curcumin in turmeric or neem that can be beneficial in association with conventional medicines to help control the side effects or improve the immunity levels.

Lifestyle changes: Being a holistic system of medicine, Ayurveda supports a good dietary plan and especially stress in any patient going through the cancer treatment regime.

Please always ensure that if it’s a medical query, give it to a qualified person for advice. If needed, they can establish the optimal management plan for mouth cancer, which can also include safe elements of Ayurveda therapeutic techniques.

In Ayurveda, the best way to treat mouth cancer is to focus on treating the whole person. One helpful idea is to use anti-cancer herbal medicines along with complex rasayanas. These chemicals make the defense system more robust and lower inflammation. This includes treatments for cleansing.

According to Ayurveda, food is essential. Eat whole grains, fresh fruits, and veggies for good health, and work out. Stay away from alcohol, tobacco, and processed foods to lower your chances even more. Meditation and breathing exercises are also mentioned to reduce stress and improve mental health. 

A customized treatment plan is ensured by having regular consultations with an experienced Ayurvedic physician. Patients with mouth cancer benefit from this all-encompassing strategy for managing symptoms and improving their quality of life.

Allopathy and Ayurveda are combined in an integrative treatment plan for oral cancer to provide comprehensive care. Allopathy uses up-to-date methods to get rid of the growth and stop the cancer from spreading. These tactics work well when it comes to directly fighting cancer. Ayurveda is used along with these drugs to improve health and speed up the healing process. Herbal remedies and Rasayana formulations work on recurrence and mutations, reduce inflammation, and strengthen the immune system. 

When these methods are used together, they help patients have a better quality of life and results. Talking to allopathic and Ayurvedic doctors can help you develop a fair and effective treatment plan.

Choosing the most suitable treatment plan for stage 3 mouth cancer is arrived at jointly, after consultation between you and your doctor. And there cannot be a definite answer concerning this question because, again, the further action depends on the details of the particular case.

That means for stage 3, where the cancer can be larger, or if it involves lymph nodes, the doctors suggest using the combined therapies. This might include intervention where part or the entire tumor is removed; in addition some of the nodes in the neck also might be removed. Post-surgery, the doctor may employ radiation therapy or chemotherapy (or even both) should there still be malignant tissues to eliminate any possibilities of the cancer recurring.

These are just some possibilities in general, and it is crucial to consider that there are more and can be different. A physician who treats head and neck cancer will assess your condition and advise you with relative to the site, size of the tumor, and your medical history. They become useful in embracing a detail-oriented treatment plan guaranteeing success to the highest level possible.