“AARTAV,” A Female Body Tissue, Is Menstrual Fluid

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The mysterious essence of “AARTAV,” a biological tissue usually known as menstruation fluid, is woven into the intricate tapestry of female physiology and makes women unique. The ability to generate life through this exquisitely complex process is a powerful metaphor for women’s extraordinary strength and perseverance. 

Definition Of Aartav

Rakta (blood) collects in a woman’s Uterus and then oozes out for three days once a month. Artava describes this phenomenon. Artava is believed to be carried and expelled from females via the srotas and dhamani of the Artavavah. 

Functions Of Sapta Dhatu 

Here are some of the seven dhatu’s many uses:

  • Rasa dhatu nourishes all the other dhatus (elements).
  • Rakta dhatu gives jeevan(life).
  • Mansa dhatu offers physical strength and support.
  • Meda dhatu lubricates the body.
  • Asthi dhatu constructs a framework and supports the body.
  • Majja dhatu fills the Asthi.
  • Shukra dhatu is in charge of reproduction.

AARTAV And The Body

The symphony of life within a woman’s body holds secrets that have captivated minds since immemorial. One such enigmatic secret lies in the existence of “AARTAV,” the extraordinary substance known as menstrual fluid. Far from being a mere inconvenience or a source of discomfort, “AARTAV” embodies a profound connection between women and the essence of creation.

This intricate dance of hormones and tissues, orchestrated by the body’s innate wisdom, manifests in a rhythmic symphony that harmonizes with the moon’s cycles, echoing the universal pulse of life. As the moon waxes and wanes, so does the sacred flow of “AARTAV,” a silent reminder of the extraordinary power held within every woman.

Beyond its physical manifestation, “AARTAV” symbolizes a deeper connection—a spiritual journey transcending biology. It celebrates femininity, a testament to the innate strength and resilience within each woman’s core. It is a reminder of the cyclical nature of life, teaching us to embrace change, transformation, and the power of renewal.

Amidst the ebb and flow of “AARTAV,” there is an opportunity for introspection, self-care, and self-discovery. It is a time for women to embrace their bodies, listen to the whispers of their inner wisdom, and honor the intricate dance of their hormones. It is a time to prioritize self-nurturing, celebrate the sacredness of womanhood, and embark on a journey of self-empowerment.

Let us embrace this natural phenomenon with open hearts and open minds, shedding the societal taboos and stigmas that may surround it. Let us create a safe and supportive environment where women can share their experiences, stories, and knowledge, fostering community and solidarity. Together, we can celebrate the beauty of “AARTAV” and the unique gifts it bestows upon women, enabling them to step into their power, authenticity, and resilience.

Essential Factors For Conception:

For the conception of a healthy fetus, Ayurveda explains four necessary elements:

Ritu (Appropriate period for conception): The period signifies two things. a) Age of male and female couples, b) Days appropriate for conception based on ovulation.

Kshetra (Seat for conception): The Uterus must be healthy to nourish and protect the fetus for nine months.

Ambu (Nourishment for the conceived fetus): Ambu means water. It specifies womb-grown fetus nutrition here. Mother’s general nutrition determines this.

Beej: Beej discusses the requirement for healthy male sperm and female ovum. Ayurveda calls sperm and ovum Shukra Dhatu—reproductive tissue.


In the symphony of life, the phenomenon of “AARTAV” shines as a testament to the extraordinary power within every woman. We honor womanhood’s inherent strength, resilience, and beauty as we embrace its sacredness. Let us unite in celebrating this remarkable gift, supporting one another on the journey of self-discovery and empowerment. 

With “AARTAV” as our guiding light, we can step confidently into a future where women’s experiences are understood, respected, and cherished—a future where the essence of womanhood is embraced, celebrated, and uplifted.

Also, read: The Role of Ayurveda in Nurturing Mental Peace and Resilience