Harappa And Mohenjodaro’s Well-Built Cities Had Extensive Health And Hygiene Systems

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The ancient cities of Harappa and Mohenjodaro, part of the Indus Valley Civilization, flourished over 4,500 years ago in the region that is present-day Pakistan and India. These cities showcased remarkable advancements in urban planning, architecture, and infrastructure. While we often marvel at their engineering prowess, another aspect that deserves attention is the advanced health practices prevalent in these meticulously planned urban centers.

Step back in time, and you’ll witness the majestic streets of Harappa and Mohenjodaro bustling with life. The streets, ingeniously laid out in a grid pattern, exhibited a remarkable understanding of urban planning. However, it is beneath the surface that the true marvels lie hidden. The inhabitants of these cities embraced the significance of health and hygiene, weaving them into the very fabric of their daily lives.

Let us peel back the layers of antiquity to reveal their secrets. Firstly, their well-built cities featured an intricate system of drainage and sanitation, where an advanced network of covered drains and underground sewers effectively managed waste disposal. This visionary approach to sanitation, unheard of in many contemporaneous civilizations, reflected their unwavering commitment to preserving public health.

Moreover, Harappa and Mohenjodaro’s dwellings showcased an understanding of the importance of clean water. Indus Valley residents ingeniously devised sophisticated water supply systems, with houses equipped with individual wells and bathrooms that channeled water away from living spaces. This meticulous attention to water management ensured hygienic practices and contributed to overall well-being.

Beyond the physical infrastructure, these ancient cities embraced a holistic approach to health. Evidence suggests that the inhabitants of Harappa and Mohenjodaro understood the significance of nutrition, as remnants of grains, vegetables, and fruits have been found within their ruins.  Their well-rounded diets, rich in plant-based foods and whole grains, speak volumes about their understanding of the connection between nutrition and vitality.


A Cornerstone of Civilization Harappa and Mohenjodaro were pioneers of urban planning, ensuring that the foundations of their societies were built on a solid framework of cleanliness and sanitation. The presence of public and private bathrooms further attests to their commitment to personal hygiene, symbolizing a civilization that recognized the importance of cleanliness for health and social cohesion.

Water Management

The Lifeline of the Indus Valley A testament to their advanced engineering prowess, these ancient cities ingeniously harnessed the power of water. This emphasis on water management not only quenched the physical thirst of the population but also played a pivotal role in preventing waterborne diseases, underscoring their commitment to public health.

A Wholesome Diet

Excavations have revealed evidence of diverse food sources, including grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes. This emphasis on plant-based nutrition, complemented by moderate consumption of animal products like fish and poultry, speaks volumes about their awareness of the benefits of a varied and nourishing diet.

Hygiene And Health

Foundations of a Flourishing Society Intricate, well-built cities, and robust infrastructure alone do not define the greatness of Harappa and Mohenjodaro. These ancient civilizations understood that the well-being of their citizens was the key to a prosperous society, where health and hygiene formed the pillars of progress.

Lessons For Today

Welcoming the Wisdom of the Past As we marvel at the accomplishments of Harappa and Mohenjodaro, we cannot help but draw parallels to our own lives. The lessons they impart upon us are profound and timeless. 

We are reminded of the significance of sanitation, clean water, and a balanced diet in fostering vibrant health. These ancient cities beckon us to embrace their wisdom and apply it to our modern lives, where the pursuit of well-being remains an eternal quest.

Also, read: The Time-Tested Wisdom of Ayurveda in Contemporary Health