Manikya Bhasma: A Powerful Nanomedicine That Can Impact Cancer Cells

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Bhasma, as described in Ayurveda, refers to metallic or non-metallic preparations known for their therapeutic effects against various diseases. The synthesis of bhasma involves a meticulous process called “Bhasmikarana,” which aims to convert toxic metals or non-metals into a non-toxic form. Through this transformation, the bhasma gains enriched therapeutic value and improved efficacy, making it a valuable component in Ayurvedic treatments.

Ayurvedic Bhasma refers to incinerated herbo-metallic or mineral preparations that contain particles in the nano/micrometer range, known for their therapeutic effects against different diseases. One such bhasma is Manikya Bhasma, which is composed of purified ruby, orpiment, and purified arsenic sulfide. It is obtained by incinerating these substances into a powdered form. Manikya Bhasma is utilized for its immunomodulatory properties and its ability to impact various enzymatic and hormonal cycles within the body. According to Ayurveda, Manikya Bhasma is believed to possess properties such as being an appetizer, as well as a tonic for the heart and brain. Manikya Bhasma is a powdered formulation with a dark green color and a pungent odor. The ingredients of Manikya Bhasma include purified ruby, orpiment (which contains arsenic in trisulfide form), and purified sulfide of arsenic (found in the disulfide form). To prepare this herbal medicine, minerals undergo repeated calcination, with a crucial step involving detoxification through the use of herbal juices.

Manikya Bhasma triggers cell death in cancer cells through a process known as apoptosis, specifically via the mitochondrial pathway. This means that Manikya Bhasma stimulates the natural self-destruction of cancer cells, aiding in their elimination. The preparation of Ayurvedic bhasma entails two crucial steps: detoxification and incineration of metals/minerals. These processes result in the production of non-toxic and safe end products, which exhibit enhanced therapeutic effects.

Manikya Bhasma acts as a nanomedicine and induces cell death in cancer cells through mitochondrial-dependent apoptosis. In order to assess the potential of Manikya Bhasma as an anticancer drug, further research involving in vivo studies and clinical trials can be conducted. These studies would help in evaluating the effectiveness and viability of Manikya Bhasma as a potential