Vanga Bhasma: A Promising Aid In Cancer Healing

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Bhasmas are special Ayurvedic organometallic preparations utilized for their medicinal properties. The quality of a bhasma relies on the quality of the initial materials, processing ingredients, meticulous trituration, and heating process. Within Ayurveda, Vanga bhasma is a traditional Indian medicine that undergoes organometallic preparation combined with plant extracts. It is particularly employed in treating ailments related to the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary  system. Nevertheless, conducting comprehensive characterization studies post-synthesis is crucial to ensure the authenticity of the product.

The Vanga Bhasma undergoes quality control through preparation and analysis, employing parameters outlined in both Ayurvedic texts and modern technology. The synthesis process includes an incineration step, which is conducted using traditional heating methods and electric muffle furnace for comparison. The synthesis of Vanga bhasma involves several distinct steps, including shodhan (purification/detoxification), jaran (heating and stirring), bhavan (levigation), and maran (incineration). The bhasma was subjected to the maran process using both traditional heating methods and a muffle furnace. Quality control checks were conducted on the product obtained through incineration, as well as on a commercial sample. These checks were performed based on parameters described in Ayurvedic texts, and modern techniques such as TEM, SEM, EDX, XRD, DLS, and FTIR were employed to determine the nature and form of the prepared drug. Furthermore, in vitro studies were carried out to assess the gastric and gastrointestinal (pancreatic) bioaccessibility of the bhasma.

Clinical studies and research indicate that Vanga Bhasma possesses anticancer properties significantly. It is believed that Vanga bhasma exhibits cytotoxic effects on cancer cells, by inhibiting their growth and promoting cell death. It also helps in preventing angiogenesis and the formation of new blood vessels that actually supply nutrients to the tumors.