Carrot: Health Benefits

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We all know carrots. This is a vegetable we can take in both raw state and in various cooking methods. The scientific name of carrot is Daucus carota L. With the many health benefits, carrots are called a superfood. Moreover, this carrot also has some medicinal properties.

Health Benefits Of Carrot

Let’s go into the history of this carrot a bit.. The carrots we eat the most now were not a common vegetable in our country until the nineteenth century. These carrots came to India from Persia or Afghanistan during the British period. We know carrots in orange colour but they are also available in rainbow colours.

If you are looking into nutrition, Carrots have less calories but are rich in micronutrients. So carrots are called a good healthy vegetable. It contains an abundant amount of Carotenoids including alpha carotene and beta carotene. These are combined to form vitamin-A in our body not only to prevent free radical oxidation but also improves our eye health.

Carrots also play a role in reducing the risk of certain types of cancers in our body and controlling blood pressure levels. These are very easily digested and can protect our health. That’s why carrots are also included in the superfood list. Make this carrot a good snack and in your diet without delay.

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