Brain Health Nutrition

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3s, from foods such as flax seeds and walnuts can support the brain and improve cognitive abilities naturally.

Fruits and Vegetables   

Berries, spinach and kale have antioxidants that help shield the brain cells from oxidative stress.

Whole Grains  

Complex carbohydrates like oats and brown rice release glucose in small and constant doses, which helps the brain to be active all day.

Hydration Matters

It is recommended to sustain the condition with water and herbal teas since even minor dehydration affect cognitive abilities.

Nuts and Seeds

Vitamin E on the nuts and seeds such as almond and flaxseed aid in memory and cognitive enhancement.

Dark Chocolate  

Flavonoids present in dark chocolate cause a mood elevation and improves memory making it one of the healthy foods for the brain.

No Processed Foods

Limiting processed foods and sugars keeps the brain functioning at a healthy level and prevents further decline.