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Do Mobile Phones Increase Cancer Risks?

Radiation Around Us:

What Do Expert Agencies Say?

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a part of WHO, is based on limited evidence of a potential link between mobile phone use and certain types of brain tumors.

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Is The Radiation From Cell Phones Harmful?

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Based on scientific evidence it is reasonable to conclude that the radiation emitted by cell phones is not significantly harmful to human health.

American Cancer Society (ACS) 

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most research does not show a definitive increase in cancer risk from mobile phone use. They recommend further long-term studies. 

How Can I Lower My Exposure To RF Waves From Cell Phones?

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Text instead of calling Limit lengthy or unnecessary calls Use airplane mode in low signal areas Be aware of children’s usage

In conclusion

Ultimately, using mobile phones responsibly and adopting simple measures to enjoying the convenience and benefits these devices bring to our modern lives.

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