5 Foods to Boost Hemoglobin Level

Increasing the hemoglobin level in the body is vital for proper energy and general well-being. Below are five foods that should be taken to increase hemoglobin levels:

Spinach is a raw vegetable rich in natural blood iron and folic acids, which play a significant role in the formation of erythrocytes in the human body. 



Its other parts promote the absorption of iron in the body, the major ones being iron and  vitamin C 


It contains iron and folic acid in this form, which is vital in ensuring proper blood production.

Red Meat 

This consists of heme iron, which is understood to be absorbed easily compared to some forms of iron.


Vegetables are also foods containing iron and proteins that assist in increasing hemoglobin levels.

An increase in iron intake from spinach, lentils, and red meat improves hemoglobin levels in the body and boosts health.