Guava: A Boost for Breast Cancer Health

Anti-Cancer Properties

Guava extracts contain bioactive particles like lycopene, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds, which are hostile to anti-cancer action.

Inhibition of Cell Proliferation

Guava fruit pulp extracts have been found to lessen the reasonability of breast cancer cells by causing cell cycle capture and expanding apoptosis.

Mechanism of Action

Guava extracts' anti-cancer effects lead to apoptotic and necrotic cells passing into bosom malignant growth cells.

Potential for Combination Therapy

Guava extracts could be utilized in a blend with regular treatments to improve the treatment adequacy for breast cancer.

Safety and Selectivity

Guava extracts have been displayed to suppress the growth of cancer cells, making them a promising contender for malignant growth treatment.

Guava extracts, rich in bioactive mixtures, restrain cell multiplication and prompt apoptosis, significantly aiding cancer treatment.