Enticing Health Benefits of  Flax Seed

Enticing Health Benefits of  Flax Seed

By Dr. Bommu  Venkateswara Reddy


Flax seeds, one of the oldest crops in the world available in brown and golden types. It is a wholesome nutritious food.

Rich of Nutrient

Has proteins, carbs, fibre, fats and minerals like copper, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, iron. 

Aids in heart health 

Flax seeds has Alpha-linoleic acid, a omega-3-fatty acid prevent cholesterol deposition in arteries and by improves heart health. 

Anti-cancer propertie

Flax seeds has lignans, a potent cancer fighting agent can lower the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women and other cancers like blood, lung and skin. 

Fibre rich food 

Good amount of fibre in flax can help in bowel movements and prevents constipation.  

Controls blood sugar 

Soluble fibre in flax seeds can slow down the absorption of blood sugar and regulate its levels and so on can prevent insulin resistance. 

Weight management 

Controls the hunger, overall appetite and increase feeling of fullness that helps in weight management. 

Easy to use 

You can have flax seeds in all forms; smoothies, salads, yoghurt, cookies, breads, muffins and salad dressings.  

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