How Did Our Ancestors Prevent Cancer?

Emphasizing Natural Diets

Ancient people ate foods with body cells in tact, packed with and protecting our cells from diseases such as cancer.

Active Lifestyle

Physical activity was a part of daily routine as tasks required manual labor that kept them fit and healthy thus minimizing the risks of cancer.

Avoidance of Tobacco

Ancient chronicles show that most peoples knew that tobacco was poisonous for the human body and did not use it even before oncological findings confirmed it.

Limited Alcohol Consumption

However, ancient societies occasionally indulged in the use of alcohol knowing the dangers of its use such as the link to cancers.

Herbal Remedies

Most of the forefathers relied on herbs in their health care systems with those plants that possess anti-cancer properties being crucial.

Community Support

Positive social relationships offered moral and material support, these are disease preventive mechanisms that can prevent cancer and enhance health.