The Creamy Truth: Fun Facts About Avocados!

Anyone who says avocados are just tasty must think twice because these are interesting fruits with many peculiarities and myths!


A Fruit, Not a Vegetable

Although most people consider them as a vegetable because of their flavor, avocados are fruits, but more specifically berries.

Nutrient Powerhouse

Avocados are known to be loaded with healthy fats and other nutrients like vitamins and minerals and are therefore considered foods that support heart health.

Ancient Origins

The fruit is native to Central Mexico and is amongst the oldest fruits to be domesticated being over 10,000 year old as found in the antiquity of the Aztecs.

Unique Ripening Process

Avocados continue to ripe after being harvested thus the reason why they are usually hard whenever you buy them from the market.

Avocado Toast Trend

But this creamy fruit known to have recently popped up on the food scene especially as a perfect spread for toast.


Not just yummy ingredients for your dishes, but useful and addictive in nature, avocados also have a history and health benefits!